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Lockdown Sewing Projects

Hi there! It has been a while since I last posted here... hope everyone is doing well.

So far 2020 has been a pretty strange & unmotivated year... Since lockdown began, I decided to devote my free time to finish some sewing project that have been on the making + work on a handmade capsule wardrobe. I wanted to share with you the things I made, so here we go!

Historical Projects

Those of you who follo me on Instagram probably know that I’ve been working on a Demelza (Poldark) inspired 18th century costume. I just finished it, so here are some snap shots that I took (there will be a separate post for this costume once I take proper pictures of it).

Here is the jacket, which was completely hand-stitched:

And here is the embroidered petticoat (it still needs an ironing though 😆).

Capsule Handmade Summer Wardrobe

Another projects that I have been working on is sewing a minimalist handmade wardrobe.

Since I always try to find ways to turn my daily lifestyle more sustainable, I though this can be a fun and interesting challenge.

For this project, I picked breathable fabric made from natural fibres- such as linen and cotton.

This is a simple sundress that I made out of printed cotton lawn, it is my favourite me-made garment in my closet so far!

From the fabric leftovers, I made this shirt:

Here are some tops I sewed out of linen fabric from

Some other garments that I sewed; a 50’s inspired skirt, a t-shirt and a tank I made out of beautiful mustard linen from Wonderlinen:

The last thing I have to share with you is a tank I made out of Japanese cotton leftovers that I had in stash.

Hope you enjoyed reading! I have some upcoming posts in the making, including some illustration related stuff & a glimpse into the process of making my 18th century ensemble. Goodbye for now!

Don’t forget to follow @romilindenberg on Instagram for daily updates!

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